Profile Picturejzody

Lambda Sheep VRCHAT

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Lambda Sheep VRCHAT

38 ratings

(if you already purchased this model on the old listing, please message me through the discord and we will sort it out for you!)

November 7th 2022 Big update

I updated the package, here is the changelog

  • Substance Painter file included for the body.
  • New Body UVmap (old textures are not transferable sadly)
  • I remade the hands, they feel way better and cuter!!
  • Made a cool little outfit (Underpants, Undershirt, Skirt)
  • I am so sorry that I put a DOCKED TAIL on the model before, I realized my mistake too late!! Now the lambda has a nice tail that you can stretch with the physbones hehe.
  • I added an artist tag inside the head because....
  • You can make vrchat pedestals now, public/cloneable avatar uploads!

I made this model because I really love sheep (and goats)!!!! I have a sheep model myself that I really enjoy and I want to help sheep and goat fans to truly feel alive. I would love to see MORE sheep and goats in vrchat. I don't really know what to write more because I'm way too emotionally invested in this endeavor, so YEAH please believe me when I say this stuff!!

While the model definitely looks finished in a sense, I won't be finished for a long while. Currently, I have plans for more horn/ear/wool/clothing customization. There's a ton of customization possible right now, but I do think this base is a meager for goat types. That's why the title isn't "Lambda Sheep/Goat" yet (More goat stuff soon!!! SOMETIME). So expect updates for a lot more stuff and I invite you to come and tell me what you think I should make for the base to better fit your sheep/goat. You can find me in my Herdy λ Flockers discord: There's also going to be a sharing channel for people who are verified!

So anyway that's my little story, here's what you can customize in this model:

Wool Outfit (Hair, Tailtuft, Armwarmers, Legwarmers, Torso, 'LongbottomTorso', Shorts, Bellcollar)
Clothing Items (T-shirt, Hoody) There's like 8 corny t-shirts in there that you might enjoy.

Underpants, Skirt and Undershirt (2022-11-7 update)

Rigged horns (with 4 preset anims)

Ears (with 3 preset anims)

Body (default + 2 extra blendshapes)

Colors (Hue and Saturation for Body and Wools) I've tried to make the 3.0 package as simple as possible for the enduser, but I do believe people would be better off making their own color textures with the photoshop file.

Bellcollar (blendshape for Wool toggle, and for tightening the collar) Say -baaaa or meeeeh ingame while having the collar toggled on for a surprise.

Laydown Prefab from Dervali has been installed in this unitypackage! I got it from this place

The model right now is made up of separate meshes per outfit option, which makes it a VeryPoor avatar rating in VRCHAT. However, if you want this model as Medium or Good, you literally only have to either merge some meshes (blender) or delete the ones you don't wanna use (unity), unpack prefab and just delete the outfits you dont want from the default one. If you don't care about the rating that much, the standard setup lets you toggle everything nicely ingame!

Install/how to use/vrchat:

Have the recommended Unity version for vrchat (currently its 2019.4.31f1) then follow these steps, the order is not important except YOU HAVE TO ADD THE LAMBDA PACKAGE AFTER VRCHAT SDK3.0!!

Rules or whatever, this stuff is tiring to write, just don't do anything wrong (infringe on my copyright lel) and you'll probably okay with me. Here's some obvious stuff:

  • Do not share these model files in any way.
  • MAKE PEDESTALS ALL YOU LIKE FOR VRCHAT! just make sure to leave my artist sign inside of the head readable!
  • Do not make avatar pedestals of this avatar (this might change in the future).
  • Do not upload this avatar as Public on VRCHAT or anywhere else. Private is only allowed.
  • Do not do commissions for this model unless both parties have bought the model beforehand.
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some cool sheep or goat model that looks absolutely lit

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